Wednesday, August 10, 2011

$550 Victory At Frank Myers Auto Maxx in Winston Salem, NC 27105

Frank Myers Auto Maxx is one of the premier Winston Salem used car dealers PLUS customers can also can walk away RICHER! In this episode of The Uncle Frank Show, watch the whole gang at Frank Myers Auto as they celebrate Linda and Tammy being the BIG winners of $550!

YOU can get up to $500 simply by sending someone to Frank Myers Auto Maxx. When they buy ANY car, YOU get to play Frank Pays More. Everyone is a winner.

For more info, call Frank Myers Auto today at 336-767-3432 or visit them at 4200 North Patterson Avenue in Winston Salem, NC 27105.

Frank Myers Auto Gives Away $550 In Winston Salem

On this episode of The Uncle Frank Show, watch Non-Commissioned Sales Pro Mike Thomas with Tammy & Linda as they get $550 for sending folks to buy a car from the premier Winston Salem used car dealer, Frank Myers Auto Maxx.

Frank Myers Auto is located at 4200 North Patterson Avenue in Winston Salem, NC 27105. Call them at 336-767-3432 or visit their website at