- This is a video taken of a super happy member of the Frank Myers Auto Maxx family just before he drove home in the car of his dreams. However, once we watched the video, we realized that the customer seemed to be "levitating". While we can't say whether or not this is a "camera trick" or the "real deal", we have forwarded a copy to Criss Angel for his opinion. We will patiently wait for his answer before commenting further. In the meantime, you be the judge.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Customer Says: "Frank Myers Auto Treated Me Better Than My Own Family" - This is the newest Frank Myers Auto Maxx V.I.P. Client. He brought his entire family to the dealership for "good, dependable transportation" and left saying that we "treated him better than his own family did". Dude...we are flatterd. Hope you enjoy your Saturn Aura.
Frank Myers Auto Gives Christmas Gifts In November - These nice folks are now members of the Frank Myers Auto Maxx family for the 2nd time in less than 7 weeks. So, as our way of saying "thank you", we decided to let 'em open an early Christmas gift. They got themselves a really nice Chevy Equinox and an ipod. Cool!
Frank Myers Auto Family Members Drive Home In A New Chevy Equinox - Most folks only buy a car once every 3 years. However, these V.I.P. Clients just bought their 2nd car (a used Chevy Equinox) in less than 6 weeks at Frank Myers Auto Maxx in Winston-Salem, NC from Non-Commissioned Sales Pro Jason Brewer.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Frank Myers Auto Welcomes Megan Nevins Into Their Family
Megan Nevins wanted to surprise her fiance with a new vehicle (lucky guy). So she chose Frank Myers Auto Maxx as the place that could help her accomplish her goal. After much consultation with Non-Commissioned Sales Pro Heather Weaver, Megan chose a 2006 Ford Explorer to drive home to her fiance. Lucky for her (and us), he LOVED it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Another Happy Frank Myers Auto Maxx Customer Driving Home In The Ford Explorer Of Their Dreams - Megan Nevins and her fiance are the latest Uncle Frank Fanatics after driving home in the Ford Explorer of their dreams from Frank Myers Auto Maxx in Winston-Salem, NC 27105. Uncle Frank Sez: "Welcome to the Frank Myers Family and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you."
Friday, November 6, 2009
Introducing 2 More Happy Members Of The Frank Myers Auto Maxx Family